• Flanders Investment & Trade
  • Invest in Flanders

7 spearhead clusters

Spearhead clusters are linked to Flanders’ main strategic domains and focus on the long term. As such, they receive financial support for up to ten years to develop and roll out their programs and initiatives.

Blue Cluster: turning the tide for the blue economy

Flanders’ so-called ‘Blauwe Cluster’ (Dutch for ‘Blue Cluster’) unifies companies, knowledge centers and government institutes to develop and strengthen maritime activities and innovations in a durable, sustainable and economically viable way.

Catalisti: developing the formula for sustainable chemistry

Catalisti identifies and initiates innovation opportunities capable of enabling our economy’s transition toward sustainable chemistry and plastics.

Flanders’ FOOD: preparing the food of tomorrow

Flanders’ FOOD guides food and agro companies in optimizing their production processes, the healthy composition of food products, the use of alternative food and feed sources, food waste reduction, and more.

MEDVIA: where health innovation gets better

To put Flanders’ healthtech ecosystem on the map, MEDVIA aims to boost collaboration and stimulate healthcare innovations at the crossroads of medical biotech, medtech and digital technology. 

Flux50: powering smart energy

With energy as its focus, Flux50 offers programs to companies to help them achieve innovative breakthroughs in three international market segments: energy-efficient industry, sustainable communities, and smart cities and homes. 

SIM: shaping the future with materials science

Short for ‘Strategic Initiative Materials’, SIM is a virtual research center that aims to strengthen the (sustainable) materials science community and offers an open innovation environment for industrial-academic collaborations.

VIL: where logistics and supply chain innovation go full throttle

To empower the logistics industry, VIL mainly focuses on R&D in terms of digital transformation, hinterland connection, green supply chains and last mile logistics.

Why sharing = smart innovation in Flanders 

Flanders’ spearhead clusters are no ‘new kids on the block’. On the contrary, they are founded on a long and rich tradition of innovation. For a look back and a look ahead at Flanders’ cluster policy, let's talk to not just one but three key influencers. 

5 best practices from Flanders for open innovation clusters 

Are you convinced that companies should work together with each other, public institutions and academic players by uniting as clusters for a sustainable and profitable future? So is Flanders! Two insiders share their open innovation learnings and best practices for cluster internationalization.