• Flanders Investment & Trade
  • Invest in Flanders

Major international trade trends in Flanders

Clear specialization

Overall, Flanders specializes in the international trade of:

  • chemical and pharmaceutical products
  • labor-intensive products (like diamond)
  • capital-intensive goods (including vehicles, machines, electrical equipment)

Telling trends

Based on the data gathered about the international import and export flows of Flanders, several trends emerge that provide insights into the Flanders’ economy:

  • Flanders is expected to become increasingly competitive in the market of complex research-intensive goods.
  • Flanders is strongly oriented towards exportation to EU countries
  • Flanders’ market share is relatively high in the EU13 member states (countries that have joined the EU after 2004) as well as in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • The start-up and development of young exporting companies in Flanders is highly supported.
  • Diversification of the region’s exportation palette will continue to result in growth, with companies focusing on high-tech niche segments.