• Flanders Investment & Trade
  • Invest in Flanders
From 27 April to 31 May 2023, foreign companies and startups investing in Flanders can enter the Flanders International Business Awards, a brand-new contest launched by Flanders Investment & Trade. Want to compete for the title of Foreign Investor of the Year or Startup of the Year as part of this celebrative event? Register on www.flandersinternationalbusinessawards.be.    [video:https://flanders-invest-video.wistia.com/medias/up2eggzu0j]

Why this awards show?

By organizing the Flanders International Business Awards, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) aims to celebrate foreign companies investing in Flanders, local exporters and innovative startups through a single competition. In doing so, FIT emphasizes its connecting role in the region’s strongly internationalizing economic ecosystem.

With the Flanders International Business Awards, FIT showcases its connecting power in a complex and competitive world. Organizing one single awards show, with one stage at one specific moment: it's not just a logical step for FIT but also a celebration of Flanders as an internationally competitive region.

Joy Donné

How does the contest work?

Companies wishing to compete for an award can apply in one of three categories by filling out an online form by 31 May 2023:

  1. Exporter of the Year;
  2. Foreign Investor of The Year;
  3. Startup of the Year.

After the entries close, a professional jury will select three nominees in each category. These nominees will be selected based on whether they present a robust internationalization strategy and how they collaborate across company walls and borders.

In early September, the nine nominees will defend their candidacy before a final jury of business leaders and experts from the world of economics.

Where and when will the awards show take place?

On Wednesday 20 September 2023, Flanders’ Minister-President Jan Jambon and FIT CEO Joy Donné will announce the winners in the iconic Skyhall of Brussels Airport.

Enter the competition today!

Who knows, your company could be crowned one of the winners at the very first edition of the Flanders International Business Awards.

Do you want to conquer a spot on the podium? The adventure begins with an online contest form at www.flandersinternationalbusinessawards.be.

Reported by
Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT)

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